Monday, November 5, 2012

Pesto?! Oh NO! (Arugula!) ((week 2))

And I'm back! With a bunch of arugula living (or slowly decaying rather) in my fridge, I needed to find a use for the delicious green and fast. Simply Recipe's pointed me in the creative direction with an arugula pesto. They added walnuts to the arugula pesto instead of pine nuts (which basil pesto usually calls for) and I added almonds (it is all I had). I was amazed. The flavor! Just like pesto but that strong, peppery, delicious arugula at the same time.
My Arugula Almond Pesto 
inspired by Simply Recipes (
Food processor desired (mortar and pestle otherwise)
2 cups arugula (bit more, "my cupith over-flowith")
1/4c almonds (shaved and blanched in my case, just not raw, Trader Joe's offers a nice bag of such)
1/2c extra virgin olive oil
3 large cloves of garlic (slightly sauteed, browned)
1/2c Parmesan cheese
1/2tsp salt
In a food processor combine, arugula (you may have to pack it in there), cheese, salt, oil, almonds and sauteed garlic. Mash that baby up. Taste. Top (I will be adding my arugula pesto to a wild caught American piece of salmon in a short time now). Enjoy:)

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