The boyfriend got off work early today... We met for a drink (or two) and then stayed at this delicious restaurant for dinner. Maribelle's in Oakley (Cincinnati) provided an atmosphere where I lost myself in the sweet moment of unemployment, of no serious obligations, of awesomeness (a fine line of awesomeness, now until its not awesome when I do in fact have ZERO dollars). Here in lies my
Drunken Cranberry Sauce (not because I was buzzed and opted for an easier recipe but because I'm drunk with love for the sauce)
I bag of 8 oz fresh whole cranberries
3/4 c of sugar
1 cup of water
2 handfuls of walnuts
Bring to boil the 3/4 c of sugar with the 1 cup of water. Make sure the sugar dissolves in the water. Add the 8 oz. bag of cranberries (near 3-4 cups of whole fresh, round, delicious cranberries). Bring the berry to boil in the sugar water then simmer. Once the cranberries break (legit, a POP!), nearing ten minutes of a simmer, add the walnuts. I estimated with two handfuls of walnuts. Remove from heat and place in a bowl and allow to cool, then chill in fridge till its creates a sort of jelly. And a Happy (one week early) Thanksgiving to Ya'll!
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